The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
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September, 2016
A1 Preparation of contract. Completion of legal procedures
A2 Presentation of the project to teachers and students at partner schools
A3 Building project team
A4 The creation of Erasmus Plus corner.
October, 2016
A5 Logo contest. Each school presents their logo. The logo of our project is chosen
A6 Creating a slogan about Children Rights.
A7 Forming Children's Rights team
A8 Preparation of banners and posters
November, 2016
Transnational meeting
December, 2016
A9 Partner schools invite disabled children to their schools in ‘World Disabled Week’ and organise entertainments for them. (Disabled children spend one day in schools)
A10 Home visits to disabled students
A11 By nurses, seminar about First Aid is given to children and parents.
A12 With our students, we visit ill children staying at hospitals.
January, 2017
A13 We invite an expert in our school in order to check our students’ health.
A14 Receiving information by going to the health center.
A15 Reading books about ‘Rights to Health’
February, 2017
A16 Giving seminar on child abuse to school staff, parents, children and local people.
A17 Giving information about emergency numbers in emergency cases.
A18 Reading books about rights to protection.
March, 2017
A19 Under the leadership of teachers, drama activities selected from the issues of children's rights and perform it in Year-end fun.
April, 2017
A20 Reading books about rights to develop and share these books with other students.
A21 Going to the cinema with students
May, 2017
A22 Creating original songs about Children Rights, take clip for them.
A23 Historical trips and festival in Children's festival week in May.
June, 2017
A24 Visit a primary school and spend a day there. Our aim is to inform children about the next level of education.
A25 The evaluation of the first year, deciding on the next step, exchange of ideas among teachers.
September, 2017
Transnational Meeting
A26 Introducing the results of the first year to families and teachers and students. Planning for the second year
A27 At the beginning of the term, creating rules in school, class and at home. Preparing board for them.
A28 Rally in the neighborhood (themed Children's Rights )
A29 Reading books about rights to participate.
October, 2017
A30 We take school-themed videos. ( titled ‘One day at school’). We try to motivate children who can not attend school.
A31 Organising activity for children in ‘World Child Day’
November, 2017
A32 Going to the cinema with students
A33 Our students take game-dance-drama lessons from a trainer every month. By showing that they are also members of our community, we want to motivate them to express themselves and tell their ideas freely.
December, 2017
A34Partner schools invite disabled children to their schools in ‘World Disabled Week’ and organise entertainments for them. (Disabled children spend one day in schools)
A35 Home visits to disabled students
A36 By nurses, seminar about First Aid is given to children and parents.
A37 With our students, we visit ill children staying at hospitals.
January, 2018
A38 We invite an expert in our school in order to check our students’ health.
A39 Receiving information by going to the health centre.
A40 Reading books about ‘Rights to Health’
February, 2018
A41 Giving seminar on child abuse to school staff, parents, children and local people.
A42 Giving information about emergency numbers in emergency cases.
A43 Reading books about rights to protection.
March, 2018
A44Going to theatre with students and by typing the theatre scenario, creating a play.
April, 2018
A45Trip to the police headquarters. Getting information by inviting a policeman to our schools.
A46 Trip to the Directorate of Meteorology
May, 2018
A47 Museum trips in children's festival week.
A48 Performing artistic works. (For example: Ceramic work titled ‘ I am a child’ )
A49 Exhibition: Our students draw pictures about Children Rights.
June, 2018
A50 Year-end fun
A51To increase the impact of our activities, we are always in contact with the press and local media.
Transnational Meeting
July, 2018
A52 All videos and photos of project results are collected and shared with partner schools
Evaluation of the project. Each partner school prepares five-minutes presentation about project results.
August, 2018
Ideas about the future
Communication between partner schools will continue.
Regular contacts are provided.
A53 Dissemination Activities
In order to reach a wider audience, our dissemination activities will be carried out throughout whole project duration.All partner schools have active role in disseminate our project.